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Kenichiro Kojima was born in 1991 in Tokyo and he graduated from a postgraduate course with Eliso Virsaladze at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and finished his bachelor’s and master’s degree at the University of Music and Theater Hamburg with Stepan Simonian. In 2015, when he lost the function of his right hand due to focal dystonia, he decided to become a conductor. At the same time, he began his career as a left-hand pianist. Since 2019 he has been studying Orchestral Conducting and Répétition for Music Theater at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz with Prof. Marc Piollet and Prof. Wolfgang Wengenroth and working as Senior Lecture.
As Conductor
From the 2024/25 season he is appointed 1st Kapellmeister and head coach of the Neubrandenburg Philharmonic Orchestra and the Landestheater Neustrelitz.
In 2024 Spring he was selected as the assistant conductor to General Music Director Kent Nagano at the Hamburg State Opera. In the same year, he was selected as a finalist in the conducting competition at the Royal Northern College of Music Manchester.
In 2023 he was the Guest Conductor and conducts the new productions of “Don Giovanni” at the Malmö Opera and was invited by artistic director Tetsuro Ban of the Biwako Hall and conducted “Così fan tutte”, performed with their vocal ensemble and the Osaka Symphony Orchestra.
From 2022 to 2023 he was the assistant to music director Roland Kruttig at the Graz Opera.
He conducted Suor Angelica, The Magic Flaute, The Beautiful Galatea and MR.EMMET TAKES A WALK at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. From 2021 to 2023 he was the resident conductor of the wind orchestra Grazer Bläser VielharmoniE.
He is also active in the field of contemporary music and conducted the Hungarian premiere of Unsuk Chin's Fantaisiy Mécanique in Budapest in 2022 with the Danubian Orchestra. In 2023, he participated as a conductor in the production of Peter Eötvös's opera The Golden Dragon with Klangforum Wien at Theater an der Wien. Then, in Graz, he took over the production of Henrik Snade's new opera A Waiting in place of the conductor who was suddenly ill just before the premiere, and performed with the contemporary music ensemble Schallfeld Emsenble. He has conducted the Symphoniker Hamburg , the Graz Philharmonic, the Bruckner Orchester Linz, the Szombathely Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Chamber Philharmonic, and the Moravian Philharmonic.
As Pianist
He has won a number of national and international competitions. In 2020 Marta Argerich gave Kenichiro Kojima special mentions at the Vigo International Piano Competition in Spain and Ivo Pogorelich gave him the Ivo Pogorelich prize at the 5th Manhattan International Music Competition. He won the GRAND PRIX “CROWN OF STARS” (highest score 100) and the GRAND PRIX “CROWN OF STARS” BEST VIDEO at the Music and Stars Awards for his artist portrait, ,,LEFT HAND’’, which he has published and collaborated with the filmmaker Konrad Buschke. In 2021 he won the 1st prize and the special prize for the best interpretation of contemporary music at the Clavis Piano Festival in Füssen, Germany. In May 2021 he played the Piano Concerto for the Left Hand by Maurice Ravel with the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra under Kazuyoshi Akiyama at the Spring Green Music Festival in Kanazawa and received great critical acclaim for his performance.
He won the 3 prize at the Pianale Piano Academy in 2012 in Fulda, Germany and the 3rd prize at the Elise-Meyer Competition in Hamburg in 2013. He was a semifinalist and the recipient of the audience prize at the Sendai International Music Competition in Japan in 2013.
In 2015 Kenichiro Kojima saw a personal crisis, in which he was diagnosed with focal dystonia and lost the function of his right hand. This enormous challenge not only brought out his determined and dedicated spirit, but also encouraged him to work on repertoires for the left hand alone, some of which he had artfully arranged himself.
Despite a set-back which might have wholly disheartened most pianists, Kenichiro Kojima has remained active and competed with repertoires for the left hand alone successfully in several competitions, earning him the 1st prize at the ICoM Piano Award in 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, the 3rd prize at the Vigo International Piano Competition in 2018 in Spain, the 1st prize with two special prizes at the Livorno International Piano Competition in 2019 in Italy, the silver medal at the Berlin International Music Competition in Germany, and the First Great Award at the 4th Manhattan International Music Competition in the USA, among others.
Kenichiro Kojima’s success at the 4th Manhattan International Music Competition in New York has earned him management with Manhattan Concerts Artists and he made his debut at Carnegie Hall in July 2019. In the same month he also gave a solo recital at the International Music Festival Puplinge Classique, which is to be recorded and broadcasted by the Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS).
He has performed as a guest artist at important festivals and concert venues throughout Europe and Japan, including the Hamburger Klang Werk in Germany, International Music Festival Puplinge Classique and Les Renconters Musicales de Champery in Switzerland, the Laieszhalle (Musikhalle Hamburg) and the Kampnagel in Hamburg, the Gasteig in Munich, the Duke’s Hall of the Royal Academy of Music in London, the Palau de la Musica in Barcelona, the Kaunas State Philharmonic Hall in Lithuania, the Suntory Hall, the Opera City in Tokyo, and Spring Green Music Festival in Kanazawa, among others.
He has appeared as a soloist with the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra under Kazuyoshi Akiyama, the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra under Pascal Verrot, the Seto Philharmonic Orchestra under Kazufumi Yamashita, the Tokyo International Association of Artists Orchestra under Yukio Kusakawa, the Ensemble Volumia Consort, the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Suisse Romande, and the Orchestra Filharmonica Mihail Jara di Bacau under Ovidiu Bala.
After six years of training for his right hand in collaboration with Laurent Boullet (pianist, specialist in music physiology), Kenichiro Kojima has returned to the stage with two hands and perform Robert Schumann's Piano Concerto Op.54 with the Moravian Symphony Orchestra in the Czech Republic in September 2021 and several piano recitals with a combined program of works for both the left hand alone and two hands.
In the season 2022/23 he will perform his recitals at Carnegie Hall in New York and at Auditorium Gaber in Milano and also Maurice Ravel´s piano concerto for left hand and orchestra with the Schleswig-Holstein Symphony Orchestra under Kimbo Ishii and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart´s Piano Concerto No.24 with the Vienna City Orchestra.
2024/25年のシーズンからドイツのノイブランデンブルク・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団及びノイシュトレリッツ州立歌劇場の第1カペルマイスター(第1専属指揮者)兼ヘッドコーチに就任。2024年ハンブルク国立歌劇場にて音楽総監督ケント・ナガノ氏の副指揮者を務める。同年英国王立ノーザン音楽大学主催の指揮者コンクールのファイナリストに選出される。2023年マルメ歌劇場の新演出による『ドン・ジョヴァンニ』を指揮、びわ湖ホール芸術監督阪哲郎氏の招きでモーツァルトの『コジ・ファン・トゥッテ』 を指揮、同ホール声楽アンサンブル及び大阪交響楽団と共演。2022年から2023年にかけてグラーツ歌劇場で音楽監督ローランド・クルティッヒ氏のアシスタントを務めた。グラーツ国立音楽大学にて『修道女アンジェリカ』、『魔笛』、『劇場支配人』、『美しきガラテア』、ピーター・マックスウェル・デイヴィスの『MR.EMMET TAKES A WALK』を指揮。 2021年から2023年まで吹奏楽団Grazer BläserVielharmoniEの常任指揮者。現代音楽の分野でも意欲的に活動しており、2022年にウンスク・チンのFantaisie Mécaniqueをブダペストにてハンガリー初演、ダヌビア・オーケストラを指揮した。2023年はアン・デア・ウィーン劇場にて指揮者としてクラングフォーラム・ウィーンと共にペーター・エトヴェシュのオペラ『黄金のドラゴン』のプロダクションに参加。そしてグラーツにてヘンリク・スナーデの新作オペラ『A Waiting』を急病の指揮者に代わって初演を直前に引き継ぎ指揮、新進気鋭の現代音楽アンサンブルSchallfeld Emsenbleと共演して好評を博す。これまでにハンブルク交響楽団、グラーツ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、ソンバトヘイ交響楽団、チェコ室内フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、モラヴィア・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団を指揮する。
これまでに数々の国内外のコンクールに優勝・入賞を果たす。2012年ピアナーレ・ピアノアカデミー(フルダ/ドイプロフィールツ)にて第3位、2013年エリーゼ・マイヤーコンクール(ハンブルク/ドイツ)にて第3位、第5回仙台国際音楽 コンクールのセミファイナルにてパスカル・ヴェロ指揮、仙台フィルハーモニーとベートー ヴェンのピアノ協奏曲第1番を共演、聴衆賞を受賞。
2015年、右手の局所性ジストニア発症により右手の機能を失った際、音楽家としての危機を迎える。一時は病気の克服を目指すも、リハビリは困難を極めた。失意のどん底の中、 左手のためのレパートリー開拓のための研究を始める。そして左手のためのレパートリーと共にその後もコンクールに挑戦する。いずれのコンクールで他の全参加が両手で演奏する中、ただ一人左手での演奏を行い、2017年に行われたICoM Piano Award(ハンブルク/ドイツ)に て第1位、2018年にリヴォルノ国際ピアノコ ンクールでは第1位・2つの特別賞を受賞、ベルリン国際音楽コンクールにて銀メダルを受賞、そしてマンハッタン国際音楽コンクールではグランプリと併せてManhattan Artistsによるマネージメント賞受賞を機にカーネギーホールでのデビューを果たす。また名誉審査員を務めたイーヴォ・ポゴレリッチよりポゴレリッチ賞を贈られた。2020年にビーゴ国際ピアノコンクール(ビーゴ/スペイン)にて審査員を務めたマルタ・アルゲリッチより審査員賞を授与される。また、オンラインで行われた国際音楽コンクール Music and Star Awards ではピアノ部門と映像作品部門(下記のショート・ドキュメンタリーで受賞)の2部門でグランプリを受賞、そしてクラヴィス・ピアノフェスティヴァルで第1位と国際音楽コンクールにて第1位と最優秀現代音楽演奏賞を受賞。ソリストとして日本、そしてドイツを中心とするヨーロッパの国々で演奏活動を行う。2019年『いしかわ・金沢 風と緑の楽都音楽祭』に出演、同年7月はカーネギーホールでのデビュー、そしてPuplinge International Music Festival (ジュネーブ/スイス)に招かれておりソロ・リサイタルを開催、これはスイスのRadio Télévision Suisse (RTS)によってライヴ収録された。2020年はリトアニアのカウナス・フィルハーモニーでのデビューを果たした。2021年には『いしかわ・金沢 風と緑の楽都音楽祭』に招かれて秋山和慶指揮、大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団との共演でラヴェルの左手のための協奏曲を演奏して好評を博す。
2019年に映像作品としてショート・ドキュメンタリー 「LEFT HAND」を発表した。
2023年ミラノとロンドンでリサイタル、ドイツのシュレスヴィッヒ・ホルスタイン交響楽団の定期演奏会でラヴェルの左手のための協奏曲を共演、K N Sより左手の作品を収録した初のCDアルバムを発表した。